I hesitated to call quilling full-time job! And...

I hesitated to call quilling full-time job! And now I just can not imagine my life without #quilling ???????? and so my initial creative page becomes not just creative but also personal! I am pleased to share with you not only work, but also his thoughts, personal photos and stories from the life ❤ and so! Once again I want to meet with you ???? I am Svetlana, I am a wife and mother! I live in St. Petersburg and work as quilling artist ???????? В последнее время я почти не бываю в своём личном профиле.. на ту страничку не хватает времени, да и #квиллинг стал непросто хобби для меня ❤ Я долго не решалась назвать квиллинг своей полноценной работой! А сейчас просто не могу представить свою жизнь без квиллинга ???????? и поэтому моя изначально творческая страничка становится уже не просто творческой, но и личной! Я рада делиться с вами не только работами, но и своими мыслями, личными фотографиями и историями из жизни ❤ и так! Вновь знакомлю вас со мной ???? Я - Светлана, я жена и мама! Я живу в Санкт-Петербурге и работаю квиллингистом ???????? Photo: @anastasiiagorokhova ⭐️Make-up and Style : @ulianadontsova ⭐️Hair: @yanina.velberg @ Moskovsky District, Saint Petersburg
I hesitated to call quilling full-time job! And now I just can not imagine my life without #quilling ???????? and so my initial creative page becomes not just creative but also personal! I am pleased to share with you not only work, but also his thoughts, personal photos and stories from the life ❤ and so! Once again I want to meet with you ???? I am Svetlana, I am a wife and mother! I live in St. Petersburg and work as quilling artist ???????? Recently, I have almost never been in my personal profile .. there is not enough time on that page, and #quilling has become a difficult hobby for me долго I did not dare to call quilling my full-time job! And now I just can’t imagine my life without quilling ???????? and therefore, my initially creative page is no longer just creative, but also personal! I am glad to share with you not only my works, but also my thoughts, personal photos and stories from life ❤ and so! Introducing you to me again ???? I am Svetlana, I am a wife and mother! I live in St. Petersburg and work as a quillingist ???????? Photo: @anastasiiagorokhova ⭐️ Make-up and Style: @ulianadontsova ⭐️Hair: @ yanina.velberg @ Moskovsky District, Saint Petersburg
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