Знакомьтесь, это Люк. Он пришёл к нам на...

Знакомьтесь, это Люк. Он пришёл к нам на новоселье и остался. (дальше будет бессовестная и беспощадная реклама) Люка сделала наша подруга Маша в рамках @artelle.group он керамический и с характером. Мы с @danilaflomaster любим вещи, которые рассказывают истории про наши путешествия, про друзей, про новоселье. У девочек там как раз такие болтливые вещи,. ????????His name Luk, he came a few days ago and stayed. We love such things, they make our home cozy and tell stories about our journeys and friends. Thanks Maria from @artelle.group for this guy, he is a great storyteller)
Meet this Luke. He came to our housewarming party and stayed. (there will be shameless and merciless advertising further) Luke was made by our friend Masha as part of @ artelle.group he is ceramic and with character. @Danilaflomaster and I love things that tell stories about our travels, about friends, about housewarming. Girls have just such talkative things. ???????? His name Luk, he came a few days ago and stayed. We love such things, they make our home cozy and tell stories about our journeys and friends. Thanks Maria from @ artelle.group for this guy, he is a great storyteller)
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