Идея строительства мечети принадлежит уйгурскому купцу Вали Ахун Юлдашеву, который и настоял на строительстве без единогласно гвоздя. Местные мастера отказывались братья за такую сложную работу, а потому купцу пришлось ехать в Пекин и искать мастера, способного выполнить такую задачу. Внутреннее убранство мечети выполнено из дерева так же с сильным китайским влиянием.
The idea of building the mosque belongs to an uygur merchant Vali Akhun Yuldashev, who also proposed to build it without of a single iron nail. The local masters did not want to accept such a risky job, so the merchant had to travel to Beiging and to persuade a Chinese architect to build it. The interiors of the mosque are also finished with a major Chinese influence.
#Zharkent #ZharkentMosque #Mosque #Kasakhstan #VisitKazakhstan #Islam #Pagoda #Medrese #ЖаркентскаяМечеть #Жаркент #Казахстан #Ислам #Мечеть #Пагода
The idea of building the mosque belongs to an uygur merchant Vali Akhun Yuldashev, who also proposed to build it without of a single iron nail. The local masters did not want to accept such a risky job, so the merchant had to travel to Beiging and to persuade a Chinese architect to build it. The interiors of the mosque are also finished with a major Chinese influence.
#Zharkent #ZharkentMosque #Mosque #Kasakhstan #VisitKazakhstan #Islam #Pagoda #Medrese #ЖаркентскаяМечеть #Жаркент #Казахстан #Ислам #Мечеть #Пагода
Идея строительства мечети принадлежит уйгурскому купцу Вали Ахун Юлдашеву, который и настоял на строительстве без единогласно гвоздя. Местные мастера отказывались братья за такую сложную работу, а потому купцу пришлось ехать в Пекин и искать мастера, способного выполнить такую задачу. Внутреннее убранство мечети выполнено из дерева так же с сильным китайским влиянием.
The idea of building the mosque belongs to an uygur merchant Vali Akhun Yuldashev, who also proposed to build it without of a single iron nail. The local masters did not want to accept such a risky job, so the merchant had to travel to Beiging and to persuade a Chinese architect to build it. The interiors of the mosque are also finished with a major Chinese influence.
#Zharkent #ZharkentMosque #Mosque #Kasakhstan #VisitKazakhstan #Islam #Pagoda #Medrese #ЖаркентскаяМечеть #Жаркент #Казахстан #Ислам #Мечеть #Пагода
The idea of building the mosque belongs to an uygur merchant Vali Akhun Yuldashev, who also proposed to build it without of a single iron nail. The local masters did not want to accept such a risky job, so the merchant had to travel to Beiging and to persuade a Chinese architect to build it. The interiors of the mosque are also finished with a major Chinese influence.
#Zharkent #ZharkentMosque #Mosque #Kasakhstan #VisitKazakhstan #Islam #Pagoda #Medrese #ЖаркентскаяМечеть #Жаркент #Казахстан #Ислам #Мечеть #Пагода

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