Catch the dream! GO! Reach it! Touch! Breathe...

Catch the dream! GO! Reach it! Touch!
Breathe the life! Inhale sky!
Don't be shy! Don't think too much!
Close your eyes! Jump! And Fly!
Photo by @gekagekin #evgenyhramov @pole_positions_moscow #polepositions #ppm #polepositionsmoscow #polefitness #pole #art #poleart #alexanderbaranov #poleacrobatic #gymnastics #strength #amazing #power #poleman #inspiration #calisthenics #poletrick @upartists @poledancenation @polesportrussia @aerialnation #weareupa
Лови мечту! ИДТИ! Добраться до него! Touch!
Дышите жизнью! Вдохните небо!
Не стесняйся! Не думай слишком много!
Закрой глаза! Прыгать! И летать!
Фото @gekagekin #evgenyhramov @pole_positions_moscow #polepositions #ppm #polepositionsmoscow #polefitness #pole #art #artleart #alexanderbaranov #poleacrobatic #gymnastics #strength #amazing #power #poleman #inspiration @calisthenics #poles @ poser @ potion @ potion @ popo #weareupa
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