День не задался с утра.... мой поезд из...

День не задался с утра.... мой поезд из Бордо задердался на час. Потом я заплатил за билет 100 € поверх 60 т.к. оказалось, что мой билет на 6 июля, а не июня... затем поезд встал из-за забастовки и мне пришлось срочно ловить такси, чтобы хоть как-то успеть на рейс... но самолет все же улетел без меня... сидч с разряжененным телефоном в аэропорту, где никто не собирается тебе помогать, да и собственно уже нечем... я невольно задумался о смысле некоторых вещей... но чееез 5 минут кже сидел и искал новый рейс. Надеюсь, вечером я все же отсюда улечу...
The worst day ever... My train from Bordeaux was delayed for an hour... then I paid extra 100 € for ticket because my ticket appeared to be for the 6th of july but not 6th of june... then I stuck on my way to airport because of manifestation. I paid a taxi to rush for my flight... but the plane had already departed... now I booked new flight for the evening and hope to succeed leaving this country at last...
The day did not work out in the morning .... my train from Bordeaux stopped for an hour. Then I paid for the ticket 100 € over 60 since it turned out that my ticket was for July 6th, not June ... then the train got up due to a strike and I had to urgently catch a taxi in order to somehow catch the flight ... but the plane still flew away without me ... Sidch with a discharged phone at the airport, where no one is going to help you, and actually there is nothing ... I involuntarily thought about the meaning of some things ... but after 5 minutes I also sat and looked for a new flight. I hope that in the evening I will fly away from here ...
The worst day ever ... My train from Bordeaux was delayed for an hour ... then I paid extra 100 € for ticket because my ticket appeared to be for the 6th of july but not 6th of june ... then I stuck on my way to airport because of manifestation. I paid a taxi to rush for my flight ... but the plane had already departed ... now I booked new flight for the evening and hope to succeed leaving this country at last ...
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