To #fly you just need to #jump as...

To #fly you just need to #jump as high as you can and then simply miss the ground. Чтобы летать нужно просто подпрыгнуть повыше и промахнуться мимо земли. @pole_positions_moscow #polepositions #ppm #poleman #power #sport #calisthenics #poletrick #acrobatics #gymnastics #drop #alexanderbaranov #amazing #flight @aerialnation @upartists @poledancenation @polesportrussia #amazingpic #release #unleashed
To #fly you just need to #jump as high as you can and then simply miss the ground. Чтобы летать нужно просто подпрыгнуть повыше и промахнуться мимо земли. @pole_positions_moscow #polepositions #ppm #poleman #power #sport #calisthenics #poletrick #acrobatics #gymnastics #drop #alexanderbaranov #amazing #flight @aerialnation @upartists @poledancenation @polesportrussia #amazingpic #release #unleashed
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