Коротко о том, как мы принимали участие в...

Коротко о том, как мы принимали участие в "BelTexIndustry-2017" 3 октября в г. Минске. ????
Большое спасибо организаторам выставки за доверие оказанное бренду, представлять производителей Санкт-Петербурга????
Минск прекрасный город ????

???? Совсем скоро новые выставки и горизонты!

boudoir_wedding took part in the exhibition "BelTexIndustry-2017" in Minsk with show collection ????

Briefly about how we took part in BelTexIndustry-2017 on October 3 in Minsk. ????
Many thanks to the organizers of the exhibition for the trust placed in the brand, to represent the manufacturers of St. Petersburg ????
Minsk is a beautiful city ????

???? Very soon, new exhibitions and horizons!

boudoir_wedding took part in the exhibition "BelTexIndustry-2017" in Minsk with show collection ????

# Minsk # exhibition # beltexindustry # boudoir # boudoirwedding # boudoir_wedding #boudoir dresses # evening dresses #fashion #fashion # exhibitiondesign
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