Я реально пришел к этой мысли несколько дней назад, рассказывая одной американской подруге. И тут я нашел что-то подобное в инете. Мысль: Вам не нужен кто-то, для того , чтобы дополнять вас. Вам просто нужен кто-то, кто сможет принять Вас ( таким какой вы есть).
Другими словами: Люди (особенно в отношениях) постоянно пытаются добиться понимания другого. Эти фразы: Он меня не понимает, Мы разные, нам не за чем быть вместе поэтому! Как мы можем говорить так? Ведь от природы МЫ ВСЕ РАЗНЫЕ. У нас разные принципы мышления и восприятия мира. Процесс поиска понимания обычно сопровождается своеобразной борьбой - поиском и приведением аргументов, доказательств и тп. НО НЕ НУЖНО НИКОМУ НИЧЕГО ДОКАЗЫВАТь! Ибо мы все разные. По сути, в поисках гармонии, мы ее же и разрушаем. Почему бы просто не позволить другому человеку быть другим? они иначе видит мир. Вы никогда не навяжете ему свой принцип мышления. Почему бы просто не позволить это и не принять его таким, какой он есть. Поверьте, уровень счастья в ваших отношениях заметно повысится. Любовь и чувства в ваших отношениях реально выйдут на новый уровень.
I really came to this thought the day before, telling it to my friend. And now i find it here)) Magic) To say it in other words: People usually think if they search someone ideal - he/she must understand or complete them well. If this person doesn't tend to understand you - it's not your person. Usually fighting accompanies the "understanding finding" process. So we fight for being understood. We try to explain, dispute with other person. Searching the harmony we destroy it! But this year I thought other way: We're all different. Why should we fight for understanding? We have different kinds of mental activity and world acceptance. SO we should simply LET OTHER Man BE OTHER ( with his/her own feelings and thoughts). We just should accept the fact that we all are different! We have a right TO BE DIFFERENT. Our partner has that right too.
Другими словами: Люди (особенно в отношениях) постоянно пытаются добиться понимания другого. Эти фразы: Он меня не понимает, Мы разные, нам не за чем быть вместе поэтому! Как мы можем говорить так? Ведь от природы МЫ ВСЕ РАЗНЫЕ. У нас разные принципы мышления и восприятия мира. Процесс поиска понимания обычно сопровождается своеобразной борьбой - поиском и приведением аргументов, доказательств и тп. НО НЕ НУЖНО НИКОМУ НИЧЕГО ДОКАЗЫВАТь! Ибо мы все разные. По сути, в поисках гармонии, мы ее же и разрушаем. Почему бы просто не позволить другому человеку быть другим? они иначе видит мир. Вы никогда не навяжете ему свой принцип мышления. Почему бы просто не позволить это и не принять его таким, какой он есть. Поверьте, уровень счастья в ваших отношениях заметно повысится. Любовь и чувства в ваших отношениях реально выйдут на новый уровень.
I really came to this thought the day before, telling it to my friend. And now i find it here)) Magic) To say it in other words: People usually think if they search someone ideal - he/she must understand or complete them well. If this person doesn't tend to understand you - it's not your person. Usually fighting accompanies the "understanding finding" process. So we fight for being understood. We try to explain, dispute with other person. Searching the harmony we destroy it! But this year I thought other way: We're all different. Why should we fight for understanding? We have different kinds of mental activity and world acceptance. SO we should simply LET OTHER Man BE OTHER ( with his/her own feelings and thoughts). We just should accept the fact that we all are different! We have a right TO BE DIFFERENT. Our partner has that right too.
I really came to this thought a few days ago, telling an American friend. And then I found something similar on the internet. Thought: You do not need someone in order to complement you. You just need someone who can accept you (as you are).
In other words: People (especially in relationships) are constantly trying to gain an understanding of the other. These phrases: He does not understand me, We are different, we have nothing to be together therefore! How can we say that? Indeed, by nature we are all different. We have different principles of thinking and perceiving the world. The process of seeking understanding is usually accompanied by a kind of struggle - the search and bringing arguments, evidence and so on. BUT DO NOT NEED TO PROVE ANYTHING TO ANYTHING! For we are all different. In fact, in search of harmony, we destroy it. Why not just let the other person be different? they see the world differently. You will never impose on him your principle of thinking. Why not just allow it and accept it as it is. Believe me, the level of happiness in your relationship will increase markedly. Love and feelings in your relationship will really reach a new level.
I really came to this thought the day before, telling it to my friend. And now i find it here)) Magic) To say it in other words: People usually think if they search someone ideal - he / she must understand or complete them well. If this person doesn't tend to understand you - it's not your person. Usually fighting accompanies the "understanding finding" process. So we fight for being understood. We try to explain, dispute with other person. Searching the harmony we destroy it! But this year I thought other way: We're all different. Why should we fight for understanding? We have different kinds of mental activity and world acceptance. SO we should simply LET OTHER Man BE OTHER (with his / her own feelings and thoughts). We just should accept the fact that we all are different! We have a right TO BE DIFFERENT. Our partner has that right too.
In other words: People (especially in relationships) are constantly trying to gain an understanding of the other. These phrases: He does not understand me, We are different, we have nothing to be together therefore! How can we say that? Indeed, by nature we are all different. We have different principles of thinking and perceiving the world. The process of seeking understanding is usually accompanied by a kind of struggle - the search and bringing arguments, evidence and so on. BUT DO NOT NEED TO PROVE ANYTHING TO ANYTHING! For we are all different. In fact, in search of harmony, we destroy it. Why not just let the other person be different? they see the world differently. You will never impose on him your principle of thinking. Why not just allow it and accept it as it is. Believe me, the level of happiness in your relationship will increase markedly. Love and feelings in your relationship will really reach a new level.
I really came to this thought the day before, telling it to my friend. And now i find it here)) Magic) To say it in other words: People usually think if they search someone ideal - he / she must understand or complete them well. If this person doesn't tend to understand you - it's not your person. Usually fighting accompanies the "understanding finding" process. So we fight for being understood. We try to explain, dispute with other person. Searching the harmony we destroy it! But this year I thought other way: We're all different. Why should we fight for understanding? We have different kinds of mental activity and world acceptance. SO we should simply LET OTHER Man BE OTHER (with his / her own feelings and thoughts). We just should accept the fact that we all are different! We have a right TO BE DIFFERENT. Our partner has that right too.

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