этим летом я выдал за муж еще одну свою сестру)) И я безумно рад видеть Настюшу такой счастливой. Женька появился в ее жизни внезапно, стал тем незаменимым человеком - реальным мужиком, опорой, главной семьи, за которым моя сестра всегда сможет спрятаться, от которого сможет получить любовь и поддержку. Обожаю обоих!
This summer I gave my beautiful sister to a marriage. She got married with real MAN who will be the best support and protection for her with his love and care. Love them Both)
This summer I gave my beautiful sister to a marriage. She got married with real MAN who will be the best support and protection for her with his love and care. Love them Both)
This summer I gave my husband another sister)) And I am extremely happy to see Nastia so happy. Zhenya appeared suddenly in her life, became that irreplaceable person - a real peasant, support, the main family, behind whom my sister can always hide, from whom she can get love and support. I love both!
This summer I gave my beautiful sister to a marriage. She got married with real MAN who will be the best support and protection for her with his love and care. Love them Both)
This summer I gave my beautiful sister to a marriage. She got married with real MAN who will be the best support and protection for her with his love and care. Love them Both)

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