Круто там конечно , но на 5 день...

Круто там конечно , но на 5 день ужасно захотелось домой )) ещё какое-то время буду будоражить вообще сознание балийскими фотками ))

It's definitely cool there but I really started missing home on the 5th day . So I'm home and will make you crazy with my Balinaise photos some more time )) #bali #ужевмоскве #домалучше #баунти #остров #красота #пляжи #океан #путешествие #девочкатычья? @varvarakostina
It's cool there of course, but on the 5th day I really wanted to go home)) for some more time I will excite my consciousness in general with Balinese pictures))
It's definitely cool there but I really started missing home on the 5th day. So I'm home and will make you crazy with my Balinaise photos some more time)) #bali #Uzhevmoskwe #home better #bounty # island # beauty # beaches # ocean # travel # girls? @varvarakostina
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