Знакомьтесь, эту девочку зовут Амелия???? она достаточно крупная, ростом 20 сантиметров, сшита из какой-то нереально мягкой вискозы с длинным ворсом вкусного цвета ириски???? платице и кожаные ботиночки снимаются???? Ищем Новый дом, цена мишки 15.000 руб и бесплатная доставка????
Amelia is a big girl (20 cm tall) she dressed in cute dress and leather chappals, all clothes can be removed! Looking for a new home, price is 260 usd inc. worldwide shipping???? more photos in my etsy shop, active link in bio????????
Amelia is a big girl (20 cm tall) she dressed in cute dress and leather chappals, all clothes can be removed! Looking for a new home, price is 260 usd inc. worldwide shipping???? more photos in my etsy shop, active link in bio????????
Meet this girl's name is Amelia ???? is it large enough, 20 centimeters tall, sewn from some unrealistically soft viscose with a long pile of tasty toffee-colored ???? platitsa and leather shoes are removed ???? We are looking for a new home, the price of a bear is 15,000 rubles and free shipping ????
Amelia is a big girl (20 cm tall) she dressed in cute dress and leather chappals, all clothes can be removed! Looking for a new home, price is 260 usd inc. worldwide shipping ???? more photos in my etsy shop, active link in bio ????????
Amelia is a big girl (20 cm tall) she dressed in cute dress and leather chappals, all clothes can be removed! Looking for a new home, price is 260 usd inc. worldwide shipping ???? more photos in my etsy shop, active link in bio ????????

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Эту запись оставил(а) на своей стене Диана Юнусова