Судя по всему, этот кондей, который дул на полную мощность, немного меня простудил. То, что он имеет регулировки, дошло на следующее утро.
#longtravelinlife #genainindia #delhi
Apparently, this air conditioner which blew on full capacity, a little I chilled . That it has adjustments, reached the next morning. @ Moustache Hostel http://instagram.com/p/reirycye3Z/
#longtravelinlife #genainindia #delhi
Apparently, this air conditioner which blew on full capacity, a little I chilled . That it has adjustments, reached the next morning. @ Moustache Hostel http://instagram.com/p/reirycye3Z/
Судя по всему, этот кондей, который дул на полную мощность, немного меня простудил. То, что он имеет регулировки, дошло на следующее утро.
#longtravelinlife #genainindia #delhi
Apparently, this air conditioner which blew on full capacity, a little I chilled . That it has adjustments, reached the next morning. @ Moustache Hostel http://instagram.com/p/reirycye3Z/
#longtravelinlife #genainindia #delhi
Apparently, this air conditioner which blew on full capacity, a little I chilled . That it has adjustments, reached the next morning. @ Moustache Hostel http://instagram.com/p/reirycye3Z/

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