Моя самая любимая группа дцать лет назад)) The...

Моя самая любимая группа дцать лет назад)) The Sounds, на фестивале Pukkelpop в те же года они отыграли на славу. Тот случай когда все треки на альбоме нравились). Странно что вот недавно ты вроде собираешь концерты а сейчас пытаешься попасть на дурацкое шоу на тв (Idol).
Тем не менее приятно увидеть что Майя все еще поет)

Слова на злобу дня) :
"We're not living in America
But we're not sorry
I knew there was something that we never had
We don't worry
No we're not living in America
But we're not sorry
No we don't care about the world today
We're not sorry for you"

My favorite band was twenty years ago)) The Sounds, at the Pukkelpop festival in those same years, they played really well. That case when all the tracks on the album liked). It’s strange that recently you kind of gather concerts and are now trying to get on a stupid show on TV (Idol).
Nevertheless, it is nice to see that Maya is still singing)

Words on the topic of the day):
"We're not living in America
But we're not sorry
I knew there was something that we never had
We don't worry
No we're not living in America
But we're not sorry
No we don't care about the world today
We're not sorry for you "

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