"this demo brings to life the complex...
"this demo brings to life the complex and fierce rivalry between emperor napoleon and the pope pius vII. napoleon went as far as to have pope pius vII placed in confinement.

despite the antichrist’s repugnancy of the papacy, napoleon knew he still needed the symbolic authority of the church during his unprecedented self coronation (referred to by the band as ‘ascension to accipitridae!’ - the classification of predatory birds of prey).

with the appointment of the cruel cardinal fesch (a relative of the emperor) after the antichrist’s coup d’etat of 18 brumaire, napoleon gave fesch with orders to persuade the pope to attend napoleon’s coronation,
only later to be stripped of religious power and cast out of the diocese upon defiance of napoleons inflexible attitude toward the church. fesch later died in rome surrounded by his masterpiece art collection rumored to be pillaged and later bequeathed in his will."
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