First vacation with our baby girl was even...

First vacation with our baby girl was even better and easier than expected. Rügen island is a super beautiful place, would be awesome to move there one day ????

Я всегда с собой беру
Элиану Степановну ???? даже если ехать почти 700 км????. Хочется переехать к морю????⚓, пусть даже и Балтийскому ???? как сказала @tavri_t "северное баунти" ???????? первый отпуск в качестве родителей удался, и было намного проще, чем ожидалось ???? @ Groß Zicker - Insel Rügen
First vacation with our baby girl was even better and easier than expected. Rügen island is a super beautiful place, would be awesome to move there one day ????

 I always take with me
Eliana Stepanovna ???? even if you go almost 700 km ????. I want to move to the sea ???? ⚓, even if the Baltic ???? as @tavri_t said "northern bounty" ???????? the first vacation as parents was a success, and it was much easier than expected ???? @ Groß Zicker - Insel Rügen
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