Разговорник для тех, кто скоро едет в отпуск,...

Разговорник для тех, кто скоро едет в отпуск, но плохо знает английский )))

Ничего, если я разведу костер?
Can I make a fire?

В вашей гостинице завтрак входит в обед?
Is breakfast included into the lunch in your hotel?

Позаботьтесь о моей лошади.
Take care of my horse.

Я хотел бы пожить у вас дома
I would like to stay at your place.

Почему у моей комнаты сменили номер и там другие люди?
Why has my room number changed and why are there other people in there?

Как пройти прямо?
How do I go straight ahead?

Эта бабушка уже мертва две станции. This old lady has been dead for two stations already.

Могу я называть вас Иннокентий?
Can I call you Innokentiy?

Кто вы такой и что мне от вас нужно?
Who are you and what do I need from you?

Здравствуйте, земляне.
Hello, Terranes.

Где мой зонт? Я тоже хочу быть гидом.
Where is my umbrella? I want to be a guide too.

Где в вашем крематории сувенирная лавка?
Where is the souvenir shop at your crematory?

Оно так и было, когда я пришел!
It already was like this when I came!

Этот великолепный собор (храм, дворец) похож на плывущего кенгуру.
This magnificent cathedral (temple, palace) looks like a swimming kangaroo.

Я не могу больше на это смотреть.
I cannot look at this any longer.

Мне это не нужно, отговорите меня, пожалуйста.
I do not need this, talk me out of it.

Этот шоколад точно с фольгой?
Are you sure this chocolate comes with foil?

Я не знаю, откуда взялась эта мертвая шлюха в моем номере.
I have no idea how this dead whore got into my room.

Как мне пройти в самый опасный квартал в вашем городе?
How do I get to the most dangerous neighborhood in your town?

Я не могу есть грибы — я им обещал.
I can not eat mushrooms — I've promised them.

Вы уже потратили чаевые, которые я давал вчера?
You have already spent the tip I gave you yesterday?

Говорите тише, я вас все равно не понимаю.
Speak softer, I cannot understand you anyway.

Извините, я не говорю на вашем варварском языке.
Sorry, I do not speak barbarian.

Я разнорабочий в филармонии—кладу кафель на музыку.
I am a handy-man in a philharmonic. I'm setting tile on the music.

В вашем примитивном языке есть слово для обозначения благодарности?
Does your primitive language have any words of gratitude?

Вы не могли бы недолго подержать мой нож?
Run away from me as fast as you can?

В моей семье принято относиться снисходительно к таким, как вы.
My family is usually lenient towards people like you.

Отпустите, у меня есть право на звонок авокадо!
Let me go, I have a right to call my avocado!
Phrasebook for those who are soon going on vacation, but do not know much English)))

Nothing if I make a bonfire?
Can I make a fire?

Does breakfast include lunch at your hotel?
Is breakfast included into the lunch in your hotel?

Take care of my horse.
 Take care of my horse.

 I would like to live at your place
 I would like to stay at your place.

Why did my room change number and there are other people there?
 Why has my room number changed and why are there other people in there?

How to go straight?
How do I go straight ahead?

 This grandmother is already dead two stations. This old lady has been dead for two stations already.

May I call you Innocent?
Can I call you Innokentiy?

Who are you and what do I need from you?
Who are you and what do I need from you?

Hello earthlings.
Hello Terranes.

Where is my umbrella? I also want to be a guide.
Where is my umbrella? I want to be a guide too.

Where is the souvenir shop in your crematorium?
Where is the souvenir shop at your crematory?

It was like that when I arrived!
It already was like this when I came!

 This magnificent cathedral (temple, palace) looks like a floating kangaroo.
This magnificent cathedral (temple, palace) looks like a swimming kangaroo.

 I can’t look at it anymore.
 I cannot look at this any longer.

I don’t need this, dissuade me, please.
I do not need this, talk me out of it.

Is this chocolate with foil?
Are you sure this chocolate comes with foil?

I don’t know where this dead whore came from in my room.
I have no idea how this dead whore got into my room.

How do I get to the most dangerous quarter in your city?
 How do I get to the most dangerous neighborhood in your town?

I can’t eat mushrooms - I promised them.
I can not eat mushrooms - I've promised them.

Have you already spent the tip I gave yesterday?
You have already spent the tip I gave you yesterday?

Speak quietly, I still don’t understand you.
Speak softer, I cannot understand you anyway.

Sorry, I don’t speak your barbaric language.
Sorry, I do not speak barbarian.

I’m a laborer at the Philharmonic — I put the tiles on the music.
 I am a handy-man in a philharmonic. I'm setting tile on the music.

Does your primitive language have a word for gratitude?
 Does your primitive language have any words of gratitude?

Could you hold my knife briefly?
 Run away from me as fast as you can?

In my family, it is customary to be indulgent towards people like you.
 My family is usually lenient towards people like you.

Let go, I have the right to call an avocado!
 Let me go, I have a right to call my avocado!
У записи 56 лайков,
12 репостов.
Эту запись оставил(а) на своей стене Дмитрий Тарханов

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