Вообще чем дольше я нахожусь в Англии и особенно в Оксфорде, тем больше мне кажется, что Гарри Поттера вообще не надо было придумывать - он уже здесь. Дикая (не десятеричная) денежная система - точно такая недавно была в Англии. Факультетская система -это полный Оксфорд. Архитектура так просто полный Гарри Поттер.
А фотографии из витрин в Оксфорде!
The longer I stay in UK, the more I think that there was no big deal to imagine the HP story - it's just that UK itself is a magic world ))
А фотографии из витрин в Оксфорде!
The longer I stay in UK, the more I think that there was no big deal to imagine the HP story - it's just that UK itself is a magic world ))
In general, the longer I stay in England and especially in Oxford, the more it seems to me that Harry Potter did not need to be invented at all - he is already here. A wild (not decimal) monetary system - just such was recently in England. The faculty system is complete Oxford. The architecture is so simple full of Harry Potter.
And the photos from the windows in Oxford!
The longer I stay in UK, the more I think that there was no big deal to imagine the HP story - it's just that UK itself is a magic world))
And the photos from the windows in Oxford!
The longer I stay in UK, the more I think that there was no big deal to imagine the HP story - it's just that UK itself is a magic world))

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