Эй, друзья!) Я никуда не пропал! А просто стал старшим братом классного парня по имени Нико:) Это волнительный процесс, я так долго его ждал и теперь скучаю по нему, даже когда он спит в своей кроватке..:) Приходится контролировать все процессы, вдруг родители не доглядят? Мне кажется я самый ответственный в этой компании:) Жду, не дождусь совместных прогулок на улице, бро! // Hey, I’m here! I’ve just became a brother to my little sweet Nico:) Im so excited about it✨ And I miss him so much when he goes to sleep, and a need to check everything, because a think that I’m the most reliable person in this family:) I’m looking forward to go for a first walk together ????
Hey friends!) I haven’t gone anywhere! And he just became the elder brother of a cool guy named Niko :) This is an exciting process, I have been waiting for him for so long and now miss him, even when he sleeps in his bed .. :) You have to control all the processes, what if your parents don’t look? I think I'm the most responsible in this company :) I wait, I can’t wait for joint walks on the street, bro! // Hey, I’m here! I've just become a brother to my little sweet Nico :) Im so excited about it✨ And I miss him so much when he goes to sleep, and a need to check everything, because a think that I'm the most reliable person in this family :) I'm looking forward to go for a first walk together ????

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