А вот и четвертая (не по значению, конечно!) женщина...Нет, не женщина - гранд дама дизайна и керамики: Lucie Rie (1902-1995).
И на её долю выпало жить в эпоху перебежек и эмиграций...В 1938 году она бежала из нацистской Австрии и эмигрировала в Англию, в Лондон, где жила и творила до конца жизни. Во время и после войны, чтобы свести концы с концами, она делала керамические пуговицы и украшения, некоторые из которых можно увидеть в музеях Англии.
Небольшая студия Ри была на узкой улице возле Гайд-парка. Она часто приглашала в свою студию на чай и пирог. Студия осталась практически неизменной в течение 50 лет, сейчас в ней находится музей Виктории и Альберта с галереей керамики (Victoria and Albert Museum).
О деле своей жизни Люси говорить не любила, она всецело отдавала себя ему, любила его, но, как истинная женщина, считала свои слова непостоянными: "I do not want to be in your book. I like to make pots – but I do not like to talk about them. I would answer your questions today but they would be wrong tomorrow." ;)
И на её долю выпало жить в эпоху перебежек и эмиграций...В 1938 году она бежала из нацистской Австрии и эмигрировала в Англию, в Лондон, где жила и творила до конца жизни. Во время и после войны, чтобы свести концы с концами, она делала керамические пуговицы и украшения, некоторые из которых можно увидеть в музеях Англии.
Небольшая студия Ри была на узкой улице возле Гайд-парка. Она часто приглашала в свою студию на чай и пирог. Студия осталась практически неизменной в течение 50 лет, сейчас в ней находится музей Виктории и Альберта с галереей керамики (Victoria and Albert Museum).
О деле своей жизни Люси говорить не любила, она всецело отдавала себя ему, любила его, но, как истинная женщина, считала свои слова непостоянными: "I do not want to be in your book. I like to make pots – but I do not like to talk about them. I would answer your questions today but they would be wrong tomorrow." ;)
And here is the fourth (not important, of course!) Woman ... No, not a woman - a grand lady of design and ceramics: Lucie Rie (1902-1995).
And it fell to her to live in an era of refugees and emigration ... In 1938, she fled from Nazi Austria and emigrated to England, to London, where she lived and worked until the end of her life. During and after the war, to make ends meet, she made ceramic buttons and jewelry, some of which can be seen in museums in England.
Ri's small studio was on a narrow street near Hyde Park. She often invited to her studio for tea and cake. The studio has remained virtually unchanged for 50 years, now it houses the Victoria and Albert Museum with the Ceramics Gallery (Victoria and Albert Museum).
Lucy did not like to talk about the business of her life, she completely gave herself to him, loved him, but, like a true woman, she considered her words fickle: "I do not want to be in your book. I like to make pots - but I do not like to talk about them. I would answer your questions today but they would be wrong tomorrow. " ;)
And it fell to her to live in an era of refugees and emigration ... In 1938, she fled from Nazi Austria and emigrated to England, to London, where she lived and worked until the end of her life. During and after the war, to make ends meet, she made ceramic buttons and jewelry, some of which can be seen in museums in England.
Ri's small studio was on a narrow street near Hyde Park. She often invited to her studio for tea and cake. The studio has remained virtually unchanged for 50 years, now it houses the Victoria and Albert Museum with the Ceramics Gallery (Victoria and Albert Museum).
Lucy did not like to talk about the business of her life, she completely gave herself to him, loved him, but, like a true woman, she considered her words fickle: "I do not want to be in your book. I like to make pots - but I do not like to talk about them. I would answer your questions today but they would be wrong tomorrow. " ;)

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