Hello, it’s me again))) Show must go on!...

Hello, it’s me again))) Show must go on! Let’s turn together part 2. This time I turned my future box round and started to turn it and sand. Several times it smashed my fingers, but it was totally my fault. Всем желаю здравствовать! Продолжим? Токарим вместе часть 2. На этот раз я перевернул свою заготовку и точил и шлифовал ее «спинку». Пару раз досталось моим пальцам, ну тут сам дурак как говорится. Приятного просмотра!
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Hello, it’s me again))) Show must go on! Let’s turn together part 2. This time I turned my future box round and started to turn it and sand. Several times it smashed my fingers, but it was totally my fault. I wish you all the best! Continue? Turner together part 2. This time I turned my workpiece over and sharpened and polished its “back”. A couple of times I got my fingers, well, here the fool himself, as they say. Enjoy watching!
#wood #woodcarwer #woodturning #wood #woodart #natural #naturalmaterial #woodartist #handmade #giftidea #exclusive #exclusivegift #woodworking #soulofwoood #madewithlove #interiors #turning #exclusive #design #exclusive gifts #handwork #eco #natural # made by shower #handwork #authorship #ecomaterial #turningboxes #woodbox #beechwood #casket for decoration #casket order # casket from tree #casket
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