It was decided to cut down an old...

It was decided to cut down an old wild apple tree. I have been cutting it during 8 hours in sum. It was exhausting work with spades, axe and saw...but material is very beautiful! Решили спилить дикую яблоню, в следующем сезоне заменим на нормальную, а пока надо и место подготовить, ну и материала кому-то надо запасти))) Суммарно валить мне ее пришлось часов 8, если не больше...3 лопаты, 3 топора(2 сломались), пила...вот и весь наборчик...woodturning #wood #woodworking #appletree #grain #soulofwoood #ручнаяработа #деревообработка #eco #эко #handmade #корчевание #тяжелаяработа #структурадерева #заготовкаматериала
It was decided to cut down an old wild apple tree. I have been cutting it during 8 hours in sum. It was exhausting work with spades, ax and saw ... but material is very beautiful! We decided to cut down a wild apple tree, next season we will replace it with a normal one, but for now we need to prepare a place, well, someone needs to stock up the material))) I had to cut it in total for 8 hours, if not more ... 3 shovels, 3 axes ( 2 broke), saw ... that's the whole set ... woodturning #wood #woodworking #appletree #grain #soulofwoood # handwork # woodworking #eco # eco #handmade # uprooting # hard work #wood structure #working material
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