Сегодня мы с Юлей были на белых скалах Истборна- в парке Севен Систерс. Как, собственно, и всегда, когда мы приезжаем в Лондон) Вот нельзя так просто взять - и не поехать в Истборн из Лондона))))) это невероятное, просто магическое место с сильнейшей энергетикой и атмосферой! Просто маст си в Англии. Ну и по традиции- дошли пешком от начала Севен Систерс до пирса Истборна) это примерно 4 часа ходьбы. а ещё- в начале путешествия дошли до точки на противоположной стороне скал - сделать классные фото! (Про то, как мы пересекали небольшую речушку между этой точкой и началом Севен Систерс, чтобы не возвращаться кругом, - отдельным постом)))) Также сфотографировали скалы снизу) когда над тобой нависает такая громада- это величественно и немножко захватывает дух. Кстати, раньше скалы были скрыты под водой. Представляете, на сколько опустился уровень моря?! О_о #севенсистерс #истборн #англия #великобритания
Today we were on the White Cliffs of Eastbourne - in the Seven Sisters Country Park! Like always when we are in England) Guys! This is impossible place! Must see in England! Magic and powerful atmosphere! So just enjoy the views!!)))) #eastbourne #sevensisters #whitecliffs #enjoy
Today we were on the White Cliffs of Eastbourne - in the Seven Sisters Country Park! Like always when we are in England) Guys! This is impossible place! Must see in England! Magic and powerful atmosphere! So just enjoy the views!!)))) #eastbourne #sevensisters #whitecliffs #enjoy
Today, Julia and I were on the white rocks of Eastbourne, in Seven Sisters Park. As, in fact, always when we come to London) It’s not so easy to take - and not to go to Eastbourne from London))))) this is an incredible, simply magical place with a strong energy and atmosphere! Just a mast si in England. Well, according to tradition, we walked from the beginning of Seven Sisters to Eastbourne Pier), this is about 4 hours walk. and yet, at the beginning of the journey we reached a point on the opposite side of the rocks - to make cool photos! (About how we crossed a small rivulet between this point and the beginning of Seven Sisters, so as not to return around, as a separate post)))) We also photographed the rocks below) when such a huge crowd hangs over you, it is magnificent and a little breathtaking. By the way, before the rocks were hidden under water. Can you imagine how much the sea level has dropped ?! O_o # Sevensisters # Eastbourne #England #UK
Today we were on the White Cliffs of Eastbourne - in the Seven Sisters Country Park! Like always when we are in England) Guys! This is impossible place! Must see in England! Magic and powerful atmosphere! So just enjoy the views !!)))) #eastbourne #sevensisters #whitecliffs #enjoy
Today we were on the White Cliffs of Eastbourne - in the Seven Sisters Country Park! Like always when we are in England) Guys! This is impossible place! Must see in England! Magic and powerful atmosphere! So just enjoy the views !!)))) #eastbourne #sevensisters #whitecliffs #enjoy

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